I am ...what i think i am.

Today i will take sometime to reflect upon the time that has gone past by me. More importantly the people i have met and the faith in myself.Honestly my faith and principles have been tested and continue to be tested.I realize that what i see in front my eyes is not always true even though i wish it would be true.I have fallen prey to my own principles and belief. i distant myself from the people i met and interact because my perception changes even though they are against my belief. I have been hurt many times ,taken advantage many times and tricked many times. Until now i tolerated them even though i knew i was right. I was right and now i realized that the single most important being that i must trust and be proud off is myself. Life has its ups and downs and i promise myself never to lose faith in myself. There will be false starts but i will always have faith in myself.There will be people who don't think the way i do and i will discuss our differences but will always have faith in myself. I forget the past and look forward to the most beautiful life i can ever imagine and will make it happen.I have only one life and i will earn my happiness.


the_ego_has_landed said...

yes.... true...

Strength comes from within us. And whenever I'm at crossroads in life and things are so damn complicated! I just tell myself... Life is really simple. Dont be afraid to stand up for what is right, and we all take shit, but upto a point! LOL

Everything is either Yes or No.
Its the in between that screws u over :P

Karthik said...

"I just tell myself... Life is really simple"...Interesting! Wow..it takes prudence to tell oneself that.However it surely takes the load("shit") of the mind...I tried it and it works.Thanks!