Getting Strong now ...Don't be Wrong now.

I have a feeling that i am living my present with a character of the past.That thought itself is a true evidence.I am not a storybook character anymore. Some of the rules that helped me through the teens are not working anymore.Like i was speaking to my friend "Welcome to the Kindergarten of the real world".I see an opportunity to break free.Its a feeling you get staying awake the entire night and wait for the Sun to rise.The moment begins when the birds start chirping and slowly the black night sky and land turn into a masterpiece by the Sun painter.Can i actually go where my minds wanders?I believe so.

Gillette Foam Cans Explode!

Still sick!I am taking Paracetamol instead of vitamin tablets.I will better tomorrow.I spent most of my time in bed.But yeah of late i have been having a lot "Train" dreams.Its fun because i am getting to see so many new faces and places.It got crazy at times when i had only one ticket knowing the fact that i had to change trains.It was exhausting when i woke up.

Finally i wakeup to find out that the new season of Bones and House have already started!.House is the same ol bloke.

I am making an effort to track the New England Patriots.It was sad they lost against the Miami Dolphins.I would probably add a widget on the blog to keep me up to date on that.

Ok todays Breaking news.Gillette shaving Foams cans Explode.Seriously these cans are made of steel(or something that rusts) and not aluminum.The walls of the can gave in and exploded the foam everywhere.Luckily no one was in the bathroom.But i can't help laughing just imagining a person in there.I would have pooped in my pants if anything like that would have happened.hehe!

Todays funny video Ninja Cat

What goes around ..Comes around

Hey its just a few minutes from the close of the day.Sounds like i am a stock exchange.Well even if i was one,stocks are closing on a low.The mood aint upbeat.Not because of the US economy bailout drama.I am not feeling well.Popped some vitamins tablets. Hopefully i should feel better tomorrow. I called some of my friends in India and boy o boy did i have a hard time reaching them.One's phone line busy.Other sleeping (Come on 10.30 am is not causing inconvenience).Other didn't even bother to pickup.Other didnt even call me back.I am upset.Probably its my body speaking.I remember the last time i tried calling up someone because i was sick(it was terrible) and i was asked why i called?. Its so hard when you have friends(do i call them that) who are the busy kind. Well i don't blame them either.Afterall i choose them as my friends.I don't think they did.I know i am pathetic.Everybody has negative traits.I don't want to be harsh on them.Let them do whatever they want.

Ok i stumbled upon some interesting songs today.(I have added the song to my playlist)
1)What goes around..comes round- Justin Timberlake
2)American Pie(Don Mclean)
3)November Sky -Yanni
4) Clutter -Ronald Jenkees

Things are feeling pretty strong about my thesis.Plan to progress on that front this weekend.

The Presidential Debate was ok.Nothing surprised me.They spoke the same points that they stress on their campaign.I wish Martin Luther King would be on that stage debating.It certainly would have caused the Response meters to go off the charts.I still hope Barack Obama gives a speech that literally stuns people and even John McCain.

Yeah i stumbled upon a good Indian American comedy akkarakazhchakal
Its about a Mallu family in America(But its in Malayalam).Its really good.

Ok now gotta hit the bed.Its alrite! I know i have to be patient.I have taken care of myself.(But i really wish my friends understood long can you pretend).

Lets get started!

I have been contemplating of having my own diary.Well here i am.Haha! No rules No boundary.Everyday i will let you know what i stumble upon.Today i have finally decided to become somebody that i once wished.I have become a person who is not lazy!Simple but gotta keep practicing it!